The safety of our patients, staff, and community remains a top priority at Kahuku Medical Center. Our visitation policy may change based on the status of COVID-19 infections in our community, patient volumes, and guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Please check this page for the latest updates on patient visitation at KMC.
Welcome back, patient visitors! KMC now allows daily inpatient visitation from 10 am - 6 pm. Please limit to two visitors at a time on the inpatient floor. A visitor is now allowed to accompany a patient in the Emergency Department as well. Please limit to one visitor or support person per patient in the Emergency Department. Additional ways to connect with a loved one remain available, including direct patient room lines and patient iPads for Facetime.
While the statewide mask mandate is no longer in effect, face masks are required while visiting a patient or receiving medical care at KMC. If you do not have a mask, one will be provided to you.
All those entering our facility are asked to self-screen. Please reschedule your appointment if you are experiencing any of the below symptoms. If you are seeking care related to any of the below symptoms, please call (808) 293-9221 from outside to check in before entering the facility.
COVID-19 testing is available at Kahuku Medical Center. To schedule an appointment, please call (808) 293-6236. Call from outside to check in before entering the facility.
KMC is no longer providing COVID-19 boosters or vaccines. Click here to search the available locations nearest to you.